Sunday, July 1, 2012


       (In the wood)

...Suddenly her voice fades. The pine trees vanish.
Grey mist moves over– shapeless monsters creep closer, 
Obscuring her face. The sky is a black shell, he is moving within.
The winter sun bleeds, its dying rays, blurring the lush
Of pine trees, erasing the merriment of marigolds and poppies.

Dust dulls his mouth. The sweat in his eyes blinds him .

Someone, perhaps something, is laughs at him, mocks him– 
A piercing shriek. Shells whistle–
The jeep hits a land mine. His friends–torn corpses. 
His clothes drenched in Don’s blood. He presses his palm 
To the gaping wound in Dan’s throat. Taste of blood in his mouth,
He inhales blood. Blood spots his face, hands, eyes – 
Dan! He screams, Don’t die!
Dan is dead  –  Just like that.

The rage threatens again to swallow his sanity
Nausea chocks him, ghastly, helpless sensation; 
Death. Obliteration.

His mind locks On the image of death... 
Someone touches his hand –alight pressure. 

He turns his head.       Out of his chaos he looks 
Into her uplifted faintly flushed face. vivid eyes.
Life - Love?          “Yes,” he says.
She smiles at him. At that moment,

A light evening breeze begins to blows. The pine trees rustle, 
Sparrow are chirping. Marigold and poppies in a merriment dance.

They look at each other. Tortured. He takes her hand. 
They seat in silence, listening to their dead, their eyes following the 
Winter sun,  bleeding its last rays on the trees tops. 



    The flat.
    The stunned.
    The trembling.
    The darkened
    The locked doors.

    (The love?)

    The images of soldiers’
    Never cease to appear
    In a crazed dance.

    (I can’t hide my eyes).

    Treading on a hair,
    Tossed inside chaotic void
    between two countries.

    (Mother, where are you?)

    Straining to see
    Who is alive under
    The blankets?

    (feet, I see only feet.)

    From the silences
    And the shouts
    Of anguish,
    From the dark,
    From dread.

    Rise! You, ancient country.

    (I love you daddy why are you are dead)


  2. Dear Lady Ilana Haley,

    Who else can satiate the thirst and hunger of the hearts excepting you with such poetry!

    "...Life - Love? “Yes,” he says.
    She smiles at him. At that moment,

    A light evening breeze begins to blows. The pine trees rustle,
    Sparrow are chirping. Marigold and poppies in a merriment dance.

    They look at each other. Tortured. He takes her hand.
    They seat in silence, listening to their dead, their eyes following the

    Winter sun, bleeding its last rays on the trees tops.

    Hats off to you again,


  3. It is you! How wonderful to hear from you again. Imissed you.
    Love you

    I will return
    I will return one day to the land
    Where I met him–
    There was the hour before.
    He did not know that I existed
    I didn’t know he was alive.
    It was some sort of miracle
    That he was alive.
    I did not know that the first hour
    Or the hour before– that came much later on,
    The second hour, or was it the first?
    Anyway it is still the time before,
    I will return, I will return.
    When I return what name shall I give you,
    What name?
    I shall give you the name Adam
    You should love that name,
    So should I–it suits you.
    I shall love your name, the man you are
    (the boy you were)
    My Adam who walks this earth.
    I can’t give you your name just yet–
    I don’t know you yet– it is still the time before.
    I wonder what name you will give me
    When we wee meet.
    They say I have diaspora eyes,
    But you cannot call me that.
    Anyway, it is still the time before–


    (Bedouins are a nomadic tribe that live in the Sinai Desert)
    A vision, a pictured vision:
    a Bedouin woman walking
    with her husband and small boy.
    Holding their baby in her arms,
    she was the picture of colorful vision
    caught in the sun's rays.
    A modern madonna was the fleeting 
    first impression of my listening gaze.
    Unusually tall; walking
    proud and gracefully:
    willowy yet strong.
    Her face was beyond measure,
    lovely outwardly;
    She was unbelievably exquisite; 
    this modern antique Madonna, with
    infant enfolded in her arms.
    Suddenly she must have sensed 
    my presence, my feelings,
    my woman's eyes...
    Clothed in black...
    enfolded from head to foot,
    encased in blazing sun,
    she turned and smiled.
    I captured this smile –
    this image of exquisite perfection.
    She was the purity of happiness; 
    the purification of joy.
    Her presence engraved a portrait 
    upon my spirit with her long, oval,
    enormously slanted dark eyes,
    hollowed high cheek-bones,
    finely etched smiling mouth;
    wondrously shaped, sensuously sweet
    yet delicately carved.
    Proud sweet feeling like a laughter gaze 
    on moon-blackened light.
    Cradled infant, man, boy.
    I engrave her portrait upon my spirit.
    For a sound-splintered second 
    she returned, isolated in motion; 
    emotional space; then vanished once more
    from sight of time beyond life 
